Support Specialist & Integration Guide
Cathy Cieri
Hi, I’m Cathy Cieri My role at Better U is that of Support Specialist & Integration Guide. I’m originally from San Diego, CA, and have lived in Las Vegas since the end of 2018. I moved here after a 3-year adventure living in Ecuador. I am a former business owner and have worked in the legal and accounting fields for many years. I am currently a Senior at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas where I am earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with a Minor in Addiction treatment. I am a trained and certified Wellness Coach. I have victory over moderate/severe PTSD resulting from a near-death accident. I’m 55 years old and have a lifetime of experience to draw upon to help clients navigate challenges and celebrate breakthroughs as they move through the program with us at Better U. Travel is a long-time passion and I have visited 26 countries and 18 of the United States. I feel that travel changes us and pushes us to grow and expand in ways that we can not anticipate. Experiencing different cultures, traditions, and languages helps us to be more compassionate towards others while also learning to appreciate all the wonderful things about our own cultures and countries of origin.
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