October 11, 2024

Unleashing Creativity: Using Art and Visuals in Journaling and after a Ketamine Therapy Session

Hannah Gantt, LPCC


Creativity has the power to unlock untapped emotions, express the inexpressible, and foster healing. Incorporating art and visuals into journaling is a dynamic way to channel creativity, providing a means to explore emotions, reflect on experiences, and promote overall well-being. In this blog post, we will delve into the transformative practice of combining art and journaling, exploring its benefits and how it can be particularly valuable when describing and interpreting experiences such as ketamine therapy sessions.

The Therapeutic Power of Art and Visuals in Journaling:

  1. Emotional Expression: Art and visuals provide an alternative form of expression, allowing individuals to convey complex emotions that may be challenging to articulate with words alone.

  2. Catharsis and Release: Engaging in creative activities serves as a cathartic outlet, enabling the release of pent-up emotions and stress. The act of creating can be therapeutic in itself.

  3. Self-Reflection: The visual nature of art allows for a tangible representation of thoughts and feelings. Journaling alongside visual elements encourages self-reflection and deepens one's understanding of personal experiences.

  4. Mindfulness and Present Moment Awareness: Art and visual journaling require focused attention on the creative process, promoting mindfulness and present moment awareness. This can be grounding and soothing, especially for those dealing with anxiety or stress.

  5. Holistic Well-Being: Combining art with journaling creates a holistic approach to well-being, addressing both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of the human experience.

The Intersection of Art and Ketamine Therapy:

Ketamine therapy, an emerging and innovative treatment for various mental health conditions, often involves profound and introspective experiences. Incorporating art and visuals into the journaling process can enhance the ability to capture, process, and derive meaning from these experiences.

How Art and Visual Journaling Complement Ketamine Therapy:

  1. Capturing the Essence of the Experience: Ketamine therapy sessions can evoke a wide range of emotions and sensations. Using art to depict colors, shapes, and abstract representations in a visual journal can capture the essence of the experience in ways that words alone might fall short.

  2. Symbolic Representation: Art allows for symbolic representation, enabling individuals to express the symbolic meaning behind their thoughts and feelings during and after a ketamine therapy session. Symbols can convey depth and layers of meaning that go beyond verbal descriptions.

  3. Exploring Emotions and Insights: Visuals in journaling can serve as a tool for exploring and processing complex emotions or insights gained during ketamine therapy. This method taps into the intuitive and symbolic aspects of the mind, offering a unique perspective on the experience.

  4. Creating a Tangible Record: Visual journaling provides a tangible record of the journey, serving as a personal narrative that can be revisited and reflected upon. This can be particularly valuable for tracking progress, identifying patterns, and celebrating personal growth.

  5. Enhancing Integration: Art and visuals can facilitate the integration of the experiences from ketamine therapy into one's broader life narrative. This integration is crucial for the therapeutic benefits of the session to extend beyond the treatment room.

Starting Your Art and Visual Journaling Practice:

  1. Gather Your Materials: Collect art supplies such as sketchbooks, colored pencils, markers, or any other mediums that resonate with you.

  2. Create a Safe Space: Set up a comfortable and inspiring space where you can freely express yourself without judgment.

  3. Begin with Intention: Before a ketamine therapy session, set an intention for your visual journaling. Consider what aspects of the experience you want to capture or explore visually.

  4. Allow Intuition to Guide You: Let go of expectations and allow your intuition to guide your creative process. There are no right or wrong ways to express yourself through art.

  5. Combine Words and Visuals: If you're comfortable, complement your visuals with written descriptions. The combination of words and images can provide a comprehensive representation of your experience.

  6. Regular Practice: Engage in art and visual journaling regularly, not just after therapy sessions. This practice can become a valuable tool for ongoing self-discovery and emotional expression.

How Ketamine Therapy Can Enhance the Art and Visual Journaling Experience:

Ketamine therapy's unique ability to induce altered states of consciousness and introspection can be synergistically enhanced by incorporating art and visual journaling. Here's how:

  1. Amplifying Insights: The altered states induced by ketamine can bring forth profound insights. Art and visuals can amplify these insights, providing a tangible and enduring representation of the therapeutic experience.

  2. Navigating Challenging Emotions: Some ketamine therapy sessions may involve the exploration of challenging emotions. Art provides a non-linear and symbolic medium for navigating these emotions, offering a way to process and release them.

  3. Encouraging Integration: The visual representation of the ketamine therapy experience supports the integration of insights into daily life. Art becomes a bridge between the profound and the practical, fostering a seamless connection between therapy and everyday experiences.

  4. Fostering Empowerment: Engaging in creative expression empowers individuals to take an active role in their healing process. It allows for a sense of agency and control over the narrative of one's mental health journey.


Art and visual journaling are powerful tools for self-discovery and emotional expression. When combined with ketamine therapy, these practices can create a holistic and transformative approach to mental health and well-being. Whether you are embarking on the journey of ketamine therapy or simply seeking a creative outlet for personal growth, the integration of art and visuals into your journaling practice can open new pathways to understanding, healing, and embracing the richness of your own experiences. As always, consult with mental health professionals for guidance and support on your unique journey.


This blog is not medical advice or therapeutic advice but general knowledge to help you get the most out of your experiences with psychedelic therapy. At-home psychedelic therapy sessions with generic ketamine may be prescribed "off-label" for suitable candidates as an alternative pathway. Over the last two decades, research suggests that ketamine may be able to safely and effectively improve many treatment-resistant conditions. A form of ketamine, Esketamine (Spravato), is an FDA-approved medication for depression. Spravato treatments are only available in-person in our office. Our at-home programs include therapeutic guidance, safety protocols, breathwork, virtual treatment preparation and 1-on-1 integration coaching to get the most out of your sessions.